March 25, 2009

Your Sexual Health and Fitness

Your Sexual Health & Fitness on Fit Talk with ShariFitness
Click on the blog talk logo to hear the show

Dr. John Stripling
Center For Sexual Health & Education

Your sexual health and fitness was discussed on my radio show with Dr. John Stripling. Dr. Stripling is a board certified Urologist who specializes in Sexual Medicine. Dr. Stripling is a member of the American Urological Association, the Sexual Medicine Society, and the International Society of Women's Sexual Health. He is also the co-founder of the Center for Sexual Health and Education in Atlanta, Charlotte, and Palm Beach. He has been in private practice in the Atlanta area for over 20 years and is a frequent speaker on Sexual Medicine Topics on Radio and Television.

We hit all the topics, Testosterone, Andropause, Menopause, Sex Drive, Testosterone Supplementation, and how your health, fitness, wellness and lifestyle plays a role in your sexual health, sexuality and sexual performance.

Ladies, if you thought we had “issues” men have them too.

We started the show off by talking about Testosterone or “T”. Dr. Stripling explained that it is the sex hormone that creates desire in both men and women. It is produced to a small degree in women in the ovaries and adrenal glands, and in men, it is produced in the testicles and to a smaller degree, the adrenal gland.

Your “T” levels climb as you reach puberty and remain high in women until they hit puberty. As a man reaches his early 30’s, his testicles start decreasing the amount of testosterone he produces. For men, if they have low testosterone, they experience Andropause, which is a gradual decrease of testosterone. Your lifestyle plays an important role in keeping your testosterone at a good level and is influenced by strength training exercise and the things you eat. A poor lifestyle can decrease testosterone levels. According to Dr. Stripling, weight training is CRUCIAL in keeping Testosterone levels up.

How does a man know if he is experiencing low testosterone? Testosterone levels are highest around 8 a.m. and lowest around 6 p.m. Generally speaking, you should wake up in the morning with an erection. Other signs of having low testosterone levels are fatigue, irritability, low sex drive, low self esteem and mild depression.

The conversation then moved on to Testosterone supplementation. I asked Dr. Stripling about receiving Testosterone from a Doctor or buying one of the popular over the counter testosterone supplements for your local supplement store.

I learned from Dr. Stripling that Testosterone given orally can be damaging to the liver or increase cholesterol. The best way to receive testosterone supplementation is in a gel you rub on your or you can get testosterone injections.

Most over the counter supplements are made in China and there are a lot of impurities in the product. Studies show that the active ingredient varies from 0 to 200 times what they say it is. Some even have an illicit form of Viagra or Cialis in them. You want to make sure you are buying a quality product from a reputable company.

DHEA is recommended for a man who still wants to have children. Testosterone can suppress sperm count. Dr. Stripling recommends 25 mg of DHEA times a day.

Sexual Health Issues – Erectile Dysfunction, Obesity, Diabetes and the “Hidden Penis Syndrome”.

As a Urologist, Dr. Stripling is very well versed with Erectile Dysfunction. Interestingly enough, Erectile Dysfunction is a canary to heart disease. A study showed that men who showed up at a hospital for a heart attack had begun experiencing erectile dysfunction 5 years prior to the heart attack. Dr. Stripling said, “A doctor that gives you Viagra and sends you on your way is doing you a disservice”.

Diabetics can have problems retracting their penis which can become dangerous because you can’t clean it and can possibly develop penile cancer from not keeping the shaft clean. When a man gets a pad of fat around the penis, it literally works the skin of the shaft up so what is really exposed is much less. Fat eats away at the penis. If you want a longer penis, you need to lose weight to gain length. If you are 25-30 pounds overweight, you are at risk of “buried/hidden penis syndrome.” As you get more and more obese, less and less of the shaft is visible and appears smaller and smaller.

Once again, it all goes back to exercise and diet to maintain good Sexual health.

To learn more about Testosterone, Andropause and your sexual fitness, the following books are recommended.

March 16, 2009

How Toxic Are The Foods We Eat?

Dr. Scott Perlman

A&J Family Spine and Wellness Center
1075 Whitlock Avenue, Suite I
Marietta, GA 30064
Phone: 678-797-1104
click on the blogtalkraadio logo to listen to the interview

Body Toxins was the main topic of discussion with my guest, Dr. Scott Perlman on my weekly radio show, Fit Talk With ShariFitness. Dr. Perlman (aka Dr. Scott) is a Doctor of Chiropractic and Alternative Medicine specializing in nutrition and energy balancing techniques, along with homeopathic, organic Vitamins, Minerals and Supplementation. Dr. Scott believes it is more than one entity for total health and wellness. He calls it “The Pie of Life”.

Dr. Scott and I subscribe to the same philosophy: The Body Works a Whole Lot Better Without all The Chemicals. What exactly does that mean? Many categories of illness are created from chemicals or drugs which creates toxins to build in the body. Toxins, by the way, are poisons. It is these toxins that are responsible for many of the health problems you may be having right now.

Americans are consuming a lot of chemicals with al the processed foods which make up the typical American diet, which I refer to as “The Toxic Diet” from all the toxic foods we eat which includes fast foods, soft drinks, frozen dinners, junk snacks such as chips, and the effects is has on the human body. After all, the human body was not designed to digest chemical additives and preservatives that are found in most foods.

The chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis create free radicals which scavenge on healthy cells. The cells die in the blood and you become a big toxic cell.

Dr. Scott talked about some of the health problems associated with the overload of chemicals and preservatives we are exposed to in the foods we eat such as Thyroid, Prostate issues for men, Ovaries with women such as cysts on fallopian tubes, bowel disorders, chronic fatigue, depression amongst several other illnesses. Essentially, disorders have become “common” and don’t need to be.

According to Dr. Scott, 50% of the mood swings and hot flashes that women experience are due to water retention which causes kidney malfunction. The biggest culprits of water retention issues stem from restaurant foods, fast foods, canned foods, frozen foods, convenience foods and snacks which all contain high levels of sodium. Sodium causes water retention. Couple that with the fact that most people don’t drink enough water and you have a recipe for disaster. This led to our discussion of water and the importance of water in your diet.

Another topic we talked about on the show was Colonics/Cleanses. What they are and the pros/cons of them.

To Listen to the Show, Click on the blogtalkradio logo

To learn more about this topic, Dr. Perlman recommends the following books:

March 1, 2009

Did you know that Hypnotherapy can help you Lose Weight, Improve Your Workouts and Diet?

Did you know that Hypnotherapy can help you Lose Weight, Improve Your Workouts and Diet?

Yes, it is amazing and true. I had the pleasure of interviewing Clinical Hypnotherapist, Steve G. Jones, M. Ed on my on line radio show, Fit Talk with Shari Fitness.

We discussed this very intriguing topic and was surprised to learn as much as I did about this. Hypnosis can help you to overcome limiting beliefs such as poor self image, which, in the sub-conscious mind, causes self-sabatoge. When it comes to achieving anything you want in life, you need to believe in yourself and let go of the idea that you are unworthy or losing weight.

With someone who has already begun or has been consistent with a diet and exercise program, Steve explained that hypnotherapy helps to reinforce keeping up with a healthy lifestyle and not fall off the wagon.

The conversation got really interesting when Steve spoke about how you can increase muscle mass which begs the question to be asked, how can WORDS make muscles bigger???? Research shows that you can increase muscle mass with words. You can cause physiological changes in the body simply through telling the brain where to direct that power. This concept also applies to getting the body to heal itself.

All in all, I can honestly say that this was a really good show and I was very impressed with my guest, Clinical Hypnotherapast, Steve G. Jones.

To hear the show, click on the Blog Talk Radio Logo.

Listen to Fit Talk with ShariFitness on internet talk radio

Click here to view Steve's website and to learn more about him ----> Better Living Through Hypnosis .

Steve G. Jones