December 25, 2008

Year End Blog: 2008 - A Year of Gratitude

2008 – A Year of Gratitude

It's Christmas Day 2008 and I am continuing on with my tradition of writing my year end blog where I reflect back on the year that was on many different aspects of my life. When I think of this past year, one word stands out in my mind. GRATITUDE. This has truly been an incredible year for me. More often than not, I have had many moments where I have consciously been very grateful and thankful for so many wonderful things that I have experienced this year and look forward to 2009 with optimism.

I have found myself many times this past year thinking out loud to myself how much I love my life and how happy I am, and realize not many people can say that or feel that way, and have found myself overcome with feelings of Gratitude because of it. That in turn has influenced me to "give back" so to speak not so much in monetary terms, but to really be there for someone in their time of need, to help when and where I can and to help empower, uplift, encourage and motivate someone with my word.

ShariFitness has had it's best year since it's inception and I love, appreciate and care about every single client I have and am truly passionate about what I do. I have established some incredible friendships (and you know who you are) this past year which I am forever grateful for and have met so many wonderful people.

A wonderful experience was The Boundless Living Challenge created by Bob Doyle. It was great to be a part of that and the community Bob built and look forward to a new challenge for the New Year. Being part of that and becoming a student of Bob's
Wealth Beyond Reason Program has really given me so many ah-ha moments that I am looking to implement in 2009.

As a model, I had the opportunity to work with some amazing people and have built a great portfolio and am still amazed at the images that have been created with these truly gifted people. I look ahead to 2009 and establishing myself further as a model.

One thing I was able to do on a personal level this past year was to give my heart to another. That is something I had not allowed myself to do as a way of protecting ShariFitness. The relationship didn't last long, and although he is the one who ended it and yes, I was a bit heartbroken about it, I am grateful for the fact that it did help me step out of my comfort zone. I am grateful for his honesty, the untarnished memory of a healthy relationship and the realization that great guys do exist. I found one once, and I will find one again.

Before I close this blog, there are some programs, DVD's, etc. which have helped me immensely this year and have been quite influential on the amazing year I had which I would like to recommend. I would not be recommending or endorsing these items if I truly didn't believe in them and if they didn't have the positive impact they had.

Wishing you all magical moments, happiness, health, and an abundant 2009.

Rhonda Byrne - The Secret DVD

Bob Doyle - The Law of Attraction - DVD

December 8, 2008

Why is it that we RESIST and run away from the things we want most???

Why is it that we RESIST and run away from the things we want most????

I had an Ah Ha moment when I woke up this moment and it came from a conversation I had last night with a friend of mine. My Ah Ha moment, helped me to come to the realization about something within me, however, it also helped me to understand why the Object of My Affections was resisting me even though I AM what he is looking for, AND also helped me to come to a realization about why people resist doing anything to improve their overall health and fitness when it is something they want.

We all want things, desire things and want to acquire things in our life whether it is financially, relationally, mentally, physically and or spiritually. However, we are “wired” or “programmed” from birth to have certain beliefs which contradict what it is we truly desire. These contradictions cause us to RESIST the things we truly want for ourselves. RESISTANCE stems from fear and prevents us from stepping out of our Comfort Zones. It keeps us in a “holding pattern” where you keep doing the same thing over and over again.

Relational Resistance:
Here’s a good example relationally of this. I was presented by my OOMA (Object Of My Affections) with what we call “the White Elephant”. My OOMA had put out to The Universe what traits it is he is looking for in a person, and I enter his life. I am EXACTLY what it is he put down in writing of what it is he is looking for in a person, however, he RESISTED (in the form of The White Elephant) what it is he wanted and was looking for.

With everything he stated that he was looking for in a person, he RESISTED me even though I was what he was looking for. However, it is his wiring that caused the resistance which is something he acknowledged. The wiring and program can be changed, however, in order to do that, rather than running away from me, (which is what he did), he really needed to face it head on and work within himself to make that paradigm shift…..or…to change the tape in his head. In order for him to do that, he needed to spend more time with me, rather than away from me.

Health, Fitness and Wellness:
You talk to just about anyone out there, next to wanting to be financially abundant, the number one thing people want to is to lose weight, feel better and look better. But when you talk to people and ask them what they are doing about it, chances are they aren’t doing much of anything. And it’s not like they don’t know what it is they have to do to make improvements in this area. When you ask them why they aren’t doing anything to make the improvements they want, they will come up with all kinds of excuses. The excuses are forms of RESISTANCE. No body truly desires to be overweight, obese, lethargic, sick. Yet, we all know that being sedentary, sitting on the couch in front of the “plug in drug” with a bag of chips or getting your next meal from the drive thru of your nearest burger chain, is only going to continue to contribute to weight gain and a decline in your overall health, fitness and wellness. So why do people RESIST making better food choices or getting off the couch and exercising? Because it’s easier to stay in your holding pattern. To not step outside your comfort zone. It’s comfortable and familiar even though you know deep down it’s wrong and it’s not what you want.

Wealth Consciousness:
So many of us are held back by our belief system and money. The media plays a huge role in our thoughts about money and so we are led to believe that the world is full of lack and not abundance. We are beat over the heads every day with headlines about the Economic Crisis and our belief system buys into it. So, we start thinking in terms of lack and we feed on that. It creates our reality. What happens, we RESIST spending money. When people stop spending money, the economy slows down even more. Look around. When you go to the malls, the stores are practically giving away the farm to get you to spend money. If you don’t, then stores will go out of business and people will lose their jobs and the cycle never breaks. There are people I know who are still very much gainfully employed but are cutting back simply out of FEAR of the economy and it is making them RESISTANT to living the life they have always lived. If you continue to think in terms of lack and RESIST, you put yourself into the mindset that you will always lack, there is not enough to go around and that you don’t deserve to have. Don’t think you don’t have wealth. BE what you want. You don’t need to have external evidence. Just BE.